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Membership & Benefits

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Membership Structure

The Florida Dental Hygienists’ Association (FDHA) is a volunteer organization made up of registered dental hygienists and we are a constituent of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA).

By becoming a member of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, you also become a member of FDHA and your local “component” of FDHA. Joining FDHA is a 3-for-1 deal.

  • Socialize and reduce isolation

  • Professional development and learn new skills

  • Boost your resume

  • Expand your network

  • Become a contributing member of your profession

  • Have a voice in your association and profession

  • Make a difference

A triangle with the words national, state, local, and ADHA Member

Membership Benefits

Florida Rx Card

Click on the button to get your card – share with family, friends, and patients

A close-up of a prescription savings card.


You can now get FDHA branded merchandise

Fdha e - shop logo on a gray circle


Professional Liability Insurance

Hpso logo on a white background.

FREE Virtual Tobacco Cessation Services

share with family, friends, and patients

Tobacco free florida logo.
Get Started Today, Become A Member!
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